


Central America


·        Fraud, Electoral Reform and Democracy: Costa Rica in Comparative Perspective.  Paper presented at the 20th International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, 1997 (pdf format).

·        Opening Pandora’s Box: The Unanticipated Political Consequences of Costa Rican Legal Reform.  Paper posted by the Latin American Studies Association’s Law and Society in Latin America (LASLA) section.

·        Programa De Fortalecimiento Institucional.  A program of the Fundación Salvadoreña para la Reconstrucción y el Desarrollo (REDES). 


·        United Nations Documents


·        The Situation In Central America: Procedures For The Establishment Of A Firm And Lasting Peace And Progress In Fashioning A Region Of Peace, Freedom, Democracy and Development - Report of the Secretary-General, 1995.

·        International assistance to and cooperation with the Alliance for the Sustainable Development of Central America - Report of the Secretary-General, 1995.

·        Assistance for the reconstruction and development of El Salvador -  Report of the Secretary-General, 1995.





·        Descentralización fiscal en América Latina: balance y principales desafíos (pdf format).  Paper posted by the Latin American Studies Association (LASA).


·        Documents of the Latin American Center for Development Administration (CLAD)

·        Las Escuelas e Institutos de Administracion Publica de America Latina Frente A La Crisis Del Estado: Situacion Actual Y Perspectivas De Transformacion

·        La transición del paradigma burocrático a una cultura de gestión pública

·        Mejoramiento de la capacidad para gobernar en América Latina

·        De La Administración Publica Burocratica A La Gerencial

·        El Combate a la Corrupción en Iberoamérica: Explorando Iniciativas y Comparando Experiencias


·        Fifth Annual Conference on Development in Latin America and the Caribbean - Decentralization and Accountability of the Public Sector, Valdivia, Chile.  World Bank, 1999.

·        Fifteen Years of Judicial Reform in Latin America: Where We Are and Why We Haven’t Made More Progress.  Paper posted by the Latin American Studies Association’s Law and Society in Latin America (LASLA) section.

·        Good Governance: The IMF´s Role.  Describes the International Monetary Fund’s goals of promoting efficiency and accountability in government.

·        Inter-American Development Bank 1998 Annual Report.  Includes a section on modernization of the state (pdf format). [versión español]

·        Inter-American Development Bank Modernization of the State Task Force – Executive Summary.  A project of the IADB’s Informatics 2000 Initiative, the task force is charged with ”recommending ways in which information and communication technologies can enhance the performance of the state.” [versión español]

·        La Lucha Contra La Corrupcion Y La Modernizacion Del Estado.  Document of the Organization of American States.

·        Prologue to The Long March:  A Reform Agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean in the Next Decade.  World Bank publication, 1997 (pdf format).

·        Searching for Democracy: The Rule of Law and the Process of Legal Reform in Latin America.  Paper posted by the Latin American Studies Association’s Law and Society in Latin America (LASLA) section.

·        Towards a Market Economy: Structures of Governance.  An International Monetary Fund working paper (pdf format).

·        World Bank 1998 Annual Report: Public Finances.

·        World Bank 1998 Annual Report: Public Sector