·        Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador

·        Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Ensenanza  The Tropical Agricultural Center for Research and Education (CATIE) is a scientific and educational institution devoted to post-doctoral research and education in the field of agricultural sciences and renewable natural resources applied in the Latin American tropics.

·        Coffee & Agricultural Issues in the Americas  This web page has links to many organizations and institutions that specialize in coffee and other agricultural products.

·        Escuela de Agricultura de la Región Tropical Húmeda EARTH (Costa Rica) School of Agriculture of the Humid Tropical Region.  EARTH is a non-profit private international university devoted to research and education in agricultural sciences and natural resources of the humid tropics.

·        Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura  The Inter-American Institute of Cooperation for Agriculture (IICA) specializes in the agriculture of the Inter-American system.  The IICA favors technical cooperation among the member states, through its central headquarters or through its five regional centers.

·        Manufacturing in Honduras  This site provides information abut Honduras's industrial sector and offers services for potential investors who are considering an investment in Honduras.

·        Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias de Panamá This site has information about several economic sectors in Panama.

·        Ministerio de Finanzas Públicas de Guatemala  Information about Panama’s public finance.  It also has statistics about several economic sectors in Panama.

·        Ministerio de Planificación y Política Económica de Panamá  Economic data of Panama.  It summarizes Panama’s major economic policies.

·        UN Food and Agriculture Organization