

Central America

CEPAL Documents.


o        Balance Preliminar de las Economías de la Subregión Norte de América Latina, 1998  This database provides economic statistics for Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Mexico, and Panama.

o       Calidad de la Inserción Internacional de Productos Agropecuarios de Centroamérica. (35 páginas)  This document explores the changes in agricultural and agro-industrial exports of Central America, as well as the role these exports play in international markets.  Emphasis on the US market.

o       Centroamérica: Análisis de los Daños Causados por el Huracán Mitch
 Assessment of the Damage Caused by Hurricane Mitch, 1998
  Socio-economic and environmental assessment of the damage caused by Huracane Mitch in November 1998 on the Central American economies. (In English and Spanish)

o       Centroamérica: Evolución Económica.  Statistics of economic performance of the Central American economies, by country.

o        Efectos Sociales de la Globalización Sobre la Economía Campesina  Assessment of the social impact of globalization on the peasant economies, conducted by the Unit of Social Development and the Agricultural Unit of ECLAC, in its Subregional Office in Mexico. (Spanish).

o       Estudio Económico 1997  Macroeconomic statistics: Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haití, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panáma, República Dominicana. (updated in 1997)

o       Evolución Económica Durante 1998  Analysis of the economies of Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama in 1998.

o        Informe Final:Reunión de Expertos Sobre Globalización y Productividad de las Economías Campesinas en Centroamerica   Report by a group of experts, presented in Mexico City on 8-9 April, 1999.  This document explores the social, technological, institutional, and organizational implications of globalization on the peasant economies of Central America.

o       Series Macroeconómicas del Istmo Centroamericano.  Macroeconomic series of the Central American isthmus (general and by country).  1950-1996.

o        Tecnología y Pobreza en el Istmo Centroamericano.  Assessment of the impact of technology on productivity in the Central American economies and its social impact.


·        IDB Documents.


o        Análisis Regional de la Situación de la Zona Marina Costera Centroamericana  By José Joaquín Rodríguez, Néstor José Windevoxhel  “Regional Analysis of the Situation of the Coastal Marine Region of Central America” was used as the basis for the IDB’s “Strategy for the Management of the Marine and Coastal Resources”.  This initiative was launched by the IDB in 1995, providing alternatives to program, design, analyze and monitor projects and minimize the impact of the activities of the IDB on the coastal region.

o        Conference on Peaceful Coexistence in the Central American Isthmus, Haiti, and the Domican Republic  Organized in June 1998, by the Regional Operations Department and the Government of El Salvador organized, with sponsorship from the Norwegian Government.  The purpose of the event was to analyze the problem of violence, its causes, and its social and economic costs; as well as to identify policies and actions to confront it.

o       Las Cconomías de los Países Centroamericanos: Desafíos Comunes de Cara al Siglo XXI   “The economies of the countries of Central America: common challenges in the twenty-first century” synthesizes the process of macroeconomic, sectoral and social development of Central America.  It has been put together by the Regional Economic Consultant of the Department of Operations, number 2, of the IDB, Bertus J. Meins. (Presented on 16-17 January, 1998)



·        Documents of the Inter-American Development Bank.


o       Integración Financiera en América Latina  By Vittorio Corbo.  This paper explores the factors and dynamic of financial internationalization, as well as the actions that a country should take to maximize the benefits of integration.  It also explores the policies that governments should take to facilitate the gradual integration of financial sectors. (in Spanish only).

o       Reform and Growth in Latin America: All Pain, No Gain?  By Peter Montiel. And Eduardo Fernández-Arias.  The paper addresses the adequacy of post-reform growth in Latin America in the 1990s on the basis of international comparison and other relevant standards.


·       CEPAL Documents.

o        Balance Preliminar de las Economías de América Latina y el Caribe  Preliminary Balance of the Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean” is published by Secretary of ECLAC since 1985.  It provides timely information about national and regional economic trends and makes policy recommendations.

o       Base Regional de Datos de Coyuntura.  Data provided by the Division of Statistics and Economic Projections of ECLAC, to supplement the analyses and socioeconomic research conducted by public and private institutions of the member countries of Latin America.

o       Reformas Económicas.  Report presented by ECLAC about the economic reforms implemented by the Latin American governments in the last three decades.

·        Other


o       Learning from the Crisis: Investment, Growth, Democracy, and Social Justice in Latin America.  Report on a Conference Held at the Georgetown UniversityCenter for Latin American Studies 18-19 April 1996

o       Satistics for Central America and for Each Central American Country.  By  the Central American Monetary Council.

o       The Long March: A Reform Agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean in the Next Decade  This document defines the World Bank’s medium-term reform agenda for improved growth and poverty reduction in Latin America.